honestly removing them from the box i was pumped. after i put them on i was like these things feel soo cheap lol. you can literally push on the wheel axel and watch the frame bend from the pressure haha i was like what hell, these r gonna snap like nobody business. if they bend with me just pressing on them with my thumb god knows whats gonna happen when i get crazy on em you know. but suprisingly no problems so far. like at all. they do bend but very slightly. not enough to hate em and not enough for you to have to get use to it or anything. the material must be good in that sense that it can bend constantly and not break. now ive only used them for about a month now with a few serious sessions but like i said no problems. they slide fantastic, no stick, so far so good on durablity. only thing you may have a problem with is that the top part of the frames material (the part that you bolt to your skates) is thinner than most frames so your current frame screws might be too long and stab your foot. i had to go to the hardware store and get shorter screws and now i got no problems. like i said not the best damn frame on the market but worth the money if your lookin for a good freestyle frame with mad color choices.
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