Awesome light weight frame, August 31, 2018 By Jonathan (Dalton, GA)
I completely concur with the first review. These frames quickly groove to your style but then seem to hold that line for a long time. They're very lightweight. I love 'em.
Amazing frames!!!, September 8, 2015 By Anonymous (Poolesvikle, MD)
These frames are amazing I've been riding kizer frames for a few years and I decided it was time to switch things up since I already ride valo skates and themgoods bearings I thought I'd give Jon Julio more of my business and I was not disappointed. At frist the frames will feel odd because the it has a shallow grove but after taking them to some unwaxed skatepark and ledges the groves broke in VERY fast and after I broke them in they've shown very little wear after skating them for a few months. Super light weight frames very solid and they grove up to your style quick but they also last. I can't say enough good stuff about these frames! Jon Julio is the man!
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